Friday, May 2, 2014

The Ancient Aztecs

Nearly 90% of the native population of the Americas died during the "Age of Exploration".  Most died from disease which Europeans did not have a full understanding of scientifically.  Should Europeans be blamed for this mass-extinction?  Could this have been prevented?  Find information to support your point, and answer in no fewer than six sentences. (but no more than twelve sentences)


  1. During the age of exploration I believe that it was the Europeans fault for the 90% deaths of the native Americans. I believe this because if your going into a new country you should take per caution of the things your bringing over. Although they didn't know they were carrying disease over, they should realized that its not there territory and they should be safer with what they eat, touch etc... During the exploration over to the new land people were getting sick from small pocks, fever and other disease that were hard to cure back then. If the Europeans knew this why would theses sick people step onto new land and transport the illness.

  2. In the "Age of Exploration over 90% of the native population of the Americas died, mostly due to the disease which Europeans brought over. The Europeans should be blamed for the mass extinction of the natives because they knowingly transported these deadly diseases to the New World. They brought over Small Pox, Malaria, the Plague and, Measles which in 100 years killed 90% of the population and then 95% in 300 years. This could of been prevented by the Europeans having better hygiene and them staying away from the Natives and making sure to control the situation. Even if they didn't mean to kill all those people they knew they were doing something wrong. They should of changed there ways.

  3. I think that the Europeans were responsible for the deaths of Native Americans due to diseases that they carried. At first when they arrived they may not have been aware that they were carrying diseases, but after natives started getting sick and dying they should have relized what was happening and taken measures to prevent the disease from spreading and killing off more than 90% of the native population in many areas. Part of the reason that Europeans didn't take any steps to prevent what was happening was because many didn't know what was happening. The disease arrived to many natives before the Europeans did by being spread from tribe to tribe. When the Europeans arrived they found only a small population of natives in many areas because most had already been killed off, so they just assumed that the number of natives that they found was what it had been like before they arrived in the New World. It is sad that people which are ancestors of many of us were responsible for the death of a greater percentage of people than the Black Death which only killed 1/3 of Europe's population compared to over 3/4 of the Native American population. They probably didn't mean to do this for the most part, but they should have been more aware of what they were causing to happen.

  4. Nearly 90% of the native population of the Americas died during the “Age of Exploration. I believe that this was due to the amount of disease brought over by the Europeans. The Europeans should be blamed because they had no regard for the safety of the natives when they sailed over and brought all the sickness with them. Many natives died of disease, malnutrition, and fatigue. Malnutrition and fatigue were not large factors in this mass-extinction. They were due to the fact that Europeans enslaved many of the natives. Most of them died from diseases such as the smallpox epidemic. The Aztecs had virtually no immunity to it. In 1518, there were about 25 million Mexicans. Fifty years later less than 3 million Native Americans survived.

  5. Personally, I think that the Europeans should be blamed for causing the mass-extinction of 90% of the Native American people. The Native Americans were fine and had there own lands before the Europeans came over. But, after the Europeans sailed to the Americas most Native Americans died. Back then, Europeans had terrible personal hygiene and were gross and dirty. So when the Europeans sailed over they brought Small Pox, Malaria, the Plague, and more diseases. Soon many Europeans came and set up settlements so Native Americans who came in contact with the Europeans, died even faster. If the Europeans came and were clean there would be a much larger number of Native Americans. Even if Europeans didn't come at all, the Native Americans would have been fine, even though everyone in America right now wouldn't be here.

  6. I do not believe that the Europeans should be blames for the deaths of the Native Americans. No one at the time had known of diseases so they did not know what to do. Europeans did not live a healthy life but that's the way they did live. Even though 90% of the Native American population was killed due to disease brought by the Europeans they thought that they did something wrong and that God was bringing his wrath down of them. It could not have been found at that time. There was no way to stop it of spreading. The Europeans did try to help everyone from the diseases that they would have got.

  7. I believe that Europeans should be blamed for this massive extinction, during the “Age of Extinction”. I believe this because the Europeans were the ones that brought over the diseases to the Americas. The Europeans brought over these diseases because they were dirty and had bad hygiene. They spread all of these diseases like smallpox and more to the Americans, which led to them dying. When the Americans set up their settlements and came in contact with the Americans, that's how they got infected and died. I think this could have been prevented if the Europeans never came to the Americas, and spread their diseases.

  8. I think that the Europeans should not be blamed for the deaths of the Native Americans. The Europeans didn't intentionally bring over smallpox, typhus, cholera, and measles because they didn't know they could bring it over. These diseases are basically like "invasive" species and the Native Americans were never exposed to it before so their immune system didn't help them. This could have been prevented if the Europeans could have better hygiene, it would've decreased the amount of deaths in Europe and also a good amount in the Native American population. The Europeans didn't get diseases from the Natives since the Europeans farmed with livestock and lived in concentrated settlements, which were more deadly germs. Overall, the Natives were unfortunate and unlucky that the Europeans carried over these fatal diseases. Many people pre-1900's got killed by diseases, it's just have life worked.

  9. I think that the Europeans should be blamed for the mass extinction of the Aztecs in the 1570’s. They should have been a lot more careful with disease when they came over to the Americas and Mexico. Doctors on board their ships would have helped this to a great extent. The Europeans should have put more thought into who they might encounter and what precautions they would have to take. An african slave who came to Mexico in 1520 died of smallpox on the ship, he infected other workers on the ship who later spread it out to the Aztecs. They very same thing happened years later, wiping out over 60% of the Incas and 90% of the native population the new world. As you can see, the Europeans were the cause of millions of deaths in America and Mexico. They should have taken a lot more precautions before they set sail for a new land with no idea of what was waiting for them there.

  10. I do believe that the Europeans should be blamed for the Native American mass extinction. Although the Europeans didn't know they were the causes of the sudden illnesses, they definitely should have realized it. With their terrible hygiene and health care, the Europeans should have easily been able to tell it was them, not the new people of the Americas. And since these people in the Americas had never had or heard of the diseases carried, such as smallpox, the measles and the flu, it wound up killing about 90% of them. And 90%, that's a lot of people, so even if the Europeans didn't realize it right away, there must have been enough time to have the "Eureka!" moment. So the extinction can be blamed on the Europeans, because if they had just stayed in Europe, none of the Native Americans would have died. But that would make a huge change in the World's history.

  11. Personally, I reject the fact that Europeans should be blamed for the fact that 90% of the native Americans died during the age of Exploration. I agree with the people who commented above me. They did not have scientifically enough information to evolve around these "diseases." When you get a disease, us as humans modern today cant just tell what disease we have. We have to go to a professional, (aka a doctor). Back then, they didn't have skilled doctors. Therefor, I reject the fact that they should be blamed for that evolution. Its like a baby trying to be scientific. THEY CANT! Back then, people were different. They weren't as educated, awful hygiene, almost like the vikings. When we blame them for causing the smallpox, tuberculosis and such, people today still have died from these diseases. So, for blaming them back then, I think its rather foolish. Its like blaming someone for sneezing. No one can help it. But, I do think that with the help of technology these days, we now look back and I think it could of been prevented. The Europeans could of split up in two sections. One that's sick, one that isn't. But, I don't think that anyone was smart enough back then to have x-ray vision and see who had tuberculosis. Besides the fact that you cough up blood. (hemoptysis)That's the only exterior evidence of that disease, along with shortness of breath (dyspnea) which is a symptom of many other things.(another reason they shouldn't be blamed).

  12. I truly believe that the Europeans should be blamed for mass-extinction of the Native Americans. The reason I say this is that the Europeans brought many diseases that the Native Americans have not experienced or adapted to, and do not have an understanding of what to do. The diseases that Europe brought were smallpox, typhus, cholera, and measles. The Americas were free of those diseases until, the Europeans came to explore. No official vaccines were around until later. The Native American tribes had no idea of what was happening, the diseases were spreading very fast because the Native Americans did not know how to prevent them. Such as smallpox a viral disease that spread the quickest, and no vaccine was created until 1796 when Edward Jenner created the cowpox vaccination that stopped the spread of smallpox. Typhus is a disease that is caused by small bacteria alike microorganisms, obligate parasites of lice. The Typhus fever was introduced by the spaniards. Cholera is caused by the Spirillaceae bacteria. Measles are is another viral disease. All of these diseases could have been prevented from the Native Americans if the Europeans did not come to the Americas and found vaccines at an early stage and developed a better self conscious of cleanliness, but if they didn't we would not be here today.

  13. I don’t believe that the Europeans should be fully blamed for the death of 90% of the native population, but they were the carriers of the diseases. They had no scientific understanding of how diseases could spread to people or animals that have never been exposed to it before. Back then, they didn’t have the CDC (Center for Disease Control) or epidemiologists (scientists who study outbreaks, patterns, causes, and effects of diseases.) If someone was sick, the Europeans were unable to examine the person and figure out what causes their sickness because the only clues and evidence they had were the symptoms on the exterior. A certain symptom could be a symptom for several types of diseases, and without proper technology that is used today, you aren’t able to exactly identify the disease. For example, some symptoms of the flu could be nausea, a high fever, muscle/body aches, coughing, or fatigue, but these are also symptoms of several other diseases or sicknesses. None of the technology we use today, such as CAT scans, MRI, or ultrasound which can be used to check the health of someones heart or for someone who’s pregnant, was available to the Europeans or natives. Even though the Europeans were close to wiping out the population of the natives, I do not believe that they should be fully blamed.

  14. During the “Age of Exploration” when 90% of the Native Americans died due to disease brought from Europeans, I do not believe the Europeans should the blame. Although multiple medical handbooks were published in Europe during the same time period, they were mainly written about hospitals and procedures, not about how to treat illnesses or how the spread. With little information about bacteria or germs, diseases such as smallpox, influenza, and whooping cough were spread very easily from Europeans to the Americans. In search of new land and culture, I don’t think they were aware that they were harming the people of America, until most of them had died, and probably didn’t want to kill them. If the Native Americans had lived as the Europeans had hoped, they could have exchanged ideas and techniques. As explorers, they had to have been healthy to survive the long voyage over the ocean to America, and would not have gone if they were carrying diseases. Overall, The Europeans shouldn’t be blamed for something they themselves did not know about.

  15. I think the deaths of 90% of the Native American population caused due to disease was the Europeans fault. The Native Americans never wanted foreign people to come to their lands in the first place, and the fact that 90% of them died could have in my opinion been avoided. The Europeans traveled with sick people on board their ships, and they brought foreign disease to the Native Americans. The Europeans had no regard for safety from sickness for themselves or the Native Americans. Another reason is that the Europeans enslaved the natives and kept them in terrible conditions where they died of fatigue, smallpox, and many other terrible things. The smallpox were virtually un-curable with the medicine and technology they had back in those times. I believe the deaths of 90% of the Native American population was completely the European's fault and that it could have been easily avoided.

    1. When the Europeans first came to the America's and spread diseases killing 90% of the Native American population, I don't believe that it was entirely the Europeans fault. Sure, they were the ones who transported foreign sicknesses to this land with no regard for the health and wellness for the natives, but they had no idea that these diseases would have such a devastating affect. During this time, not much was known about diseases such as smallpox or even the common cold, so the thought probably never occurred to the Europeans in the first place that the would be harming so many innocent lives. On the other hand, the Europeans enslaved natives and kept them in terrible conditions where they died of diseases like smallpox, or of fatigue and hunger. The Europeans had no respect for the fact that they were ruining the lives of so many. I believe that this situation was unavoidable, but certain precautions could have been taken to ensure that a lot less lives were at risk.

  16. I don't believe the death of 90% of the native population should be blamed on the Europeans. True, Europeans were the carriers of the diseases but, they did not have the same technology as we do now. Since they didn't have the same technology, the Europeans didn't know they were spreading disease. There were not vaccines or medicines or machines to check if you have a disease. The Europeans lived unhealthily, but didn't know how bad it was. The Europeans should not be blamed for the death of 90% of the population because they did not understand as much as we do and did not understand the harm they were causing to the native population.

  17. I think the 90% population loss should be blamed on the Europens. Back in that time they didn't have the same technology but they should have at least noticed a lot of Native Americans were dying. They might not have known what the disease was, but they should've at least tried to help them get better. I know there wasn't the resources available to them like we have today like medicine but I wouldn't want to be held responsible for the deaths of nearly an entire culture and neither would they. I'm pretty certain of that. The Europeans should be blamed for the death of 90% of the Native Americans because they were the ones that came with foreign diseases and they were the ones who spread it.

  18. The Europeans are not responsible for the spread of disease that nearly decimated the Native Americans. Since the native americans had been living the same way and in relatively the same places, their immune systems were not prepared for the foreign disease that came their way. The Europeans intention was not to kill people, it was merely to discover something they hadn't before. Who was going to tell them that the native americans immune system was very susceptible to disease? Also, there wasn’t research that explained the spread of disease, and that isolated people could easily be affected. The Europeans lacked knowledge! If they knew about the diseases they carried, it is possible they wouldn't have approached the natives the way they did. Finally, almost all diseases were spread by touching or the air, so once the disease took root, it spread relatively fast with no way of stopping it. Though you may think the Europeans were being malevolent by wiping out 90% of the native population, can you blame them for something that was unintentional?

  19. If a foreign person came to the US for the first time and was asked a question about American history, and got it wrong should they be blamed because they should know about american history, or should they not be blamed because they didn't have the resources or source to know the question. The age of exploration was a time where europeans explored the world for trading, goods, new trade routes, and to learn more about the word, but this exploration lead to a spread a diseases. When the Europeans arrived in America there were diseases such as measles, smallpox, cholera and pneumonia. Quickly villages were wiped out and others were forced to leave and over 90% died. When this was happening over 600 years ago no one knew about diseases and how they spread, so should the europeans be blamed for the death of over 90% of native americans? I personally dont think they should be blamed. The Europeans didn't have the technology to understand airborne illnesses. Over 600 years people couldn't comprehend that when you cough or sneeze it can make someone else sick and possibly die. By the time a lot of native americans died, didn't the Europeans realize that something is killing them, and this was happening around the time they arrived? They probably did, but ones an illness starts its hard to stop. So like a foreign person coming to the US, I don't think that you can blame someone on something they had no knowledge of.

  20. I believe that Europeans should be blamed for the mass-extinction of Native Americans. The Native Americans lived a healthy life before the Europeans arrived and began spreading diseases that were deadly to the Native Americans because they didn’t have as strong of an immune system. Not only did the Europeans spread disease, but their livestock and trade also infected many and lead to an epidemic. You could argue that the Europeans had no idea how the disease would affect the Native Americans so what were they supposed to do about it, but one of the articles i read said “The early Europeans were aware that diseases were devastating the American Indian communities.” and that “Many Europeans, both Spanish and English, see the devastating diseases as evidence of God’s wrath directed toward the Indians and evidence of the sinful life of the Indians.” This shows how the Europeans were quite aware of the diseases being spread, and they did make any effort to stop it because they believed it was God’s plan. Maybe if the Europeans didn’t believe this they would have made an effort to save the Native Americans, and this mass extinction wouldn’t have been as devastating.

  21. I don’t think the Europeans should be blamed for the deaths of the Native americans. Since they had little to no understanding of disease, I don't see how it could have been possible for the Europeans to have purposely killed off 90% of the native americans population. Even though it technically is the Europeans fault for killing them, I don't think they should be blamed for it because it wasn't intentional. The Europeans were also unknowingly immune to the diseases that they brought to the Americas. Some might argue that the Europeans knew that they were killing the Native americans, but it seams very unlikely that they could have known the diseases would affect the Native americans the way that it did.

  22. The Europeans should not be blamed for mass killing of the Native Americans by disease because they did not have the information to understand the diseases. Explorers, like Cortez, would not have know that Native Americans would have no immunity to smallpox, typhus, cholera, and measles. Typhus was a disease that is caused by bacteria-like organisms. Humans became the accidental host of this disease. As a result, it was no ones fault that this disease spread. Cholera was spread by India, not the Europeans. It had not even start in Europe. Measles must be passed from person to person. Measles only host can be a person. It is easily spread from person to person. Due to the nature of the diseases and how they are spread, the Europeans cannot be blamed for the death of the Native Americans.

  23. I think that nearly 90%of the native population of the Americans died because of the Europeans. I think this because when you are going into a new country you should be cautious of the diseases you take over. Altho they did not know what diseases they were carrying such as Smallpox Malaria, the Plague and, Measles which in 100 years killed 90% of the population and then 95% in 300 years. This could have been prevented if the Europeans had kept better hygiene. When the Americans set up their settlements and came in contact with the Americans, that's how they got infected and died.

  24. I think the Europeans should not be blamed or held responsible for the mass extinction of the Native Americans, because they had no scientifically understanding of the diseases they had. Back in that time there were no vaccines or medical treatment to find out that people had the disease. Although their life was unhealthy but they didn't know. The technology was not as advanced as it is today. The Europeans intentions were not to kill 90% of the Native American population they were to discover things that were foreign to them. If the Europeans knew they had the diseases and the Native Americans immune system was easily affected, they would not have approached them as they did. They didn't know by them discovering new land would harm a whole population of innocent people, that's why the Europeans should not be blamed.

  25. The Europeans should not be blamed for the deaths of the native population in the Americas. During the "Age of Exploration," diseases were a foreign concept to most of the world. The Europeans were a very spiritual group of people. For a group of people so spiritually involved to wrap their head around an idea that microscopic organisms could inflict harm on you and others... well that probably sounded completely impossible to them. The Europeans were ordinary people that didn't search for deeper meanings. They listened to and followed God and lived their life as they were instructed to. Their lack of knowledge should not immediately mean that they were the sole cause of this mass-extinction. They knew as much as everyone else did; everyone else knew just as much as them.

  26. During the age of exploration, I do not believe the Europeans should be blamed for the deaths of 90% of Native Americans. It was not their fault because they didn’t know anything about the diseases and how they started. They shouldn’t be blamed for something they couldn’t help. They had no research or information on these diseases such as measles, malaria, and smallpox that were brought to the Americas.The Europeans didn’t know the science about these diseases so there was no way they could stop the outbreak. Since the age of exploration, vaccines have been developed to stop the spread of these diseases but the vacancies did not exist at that time.

  27. I personally do not think that the Europeans are to blame for the deaths of over 90% of Native Americans, intentionally at least. The Europeans had no knowledge of the diseases, both airborne and through touching. The Europeans lived in filth, and had no idea it was hurting them. When the Europeans arrived in America, they carried diseases like the plague, measles, smallpox, and pneumonia. Just by simply conversing and being near the Native Americans, Europeans were unknowingly killing them off. Nobody should be blamed for something they did unintentionally, especially with the technology from 600 years ago.

  28. I think that the cause of most of the native Americans deaths was because of the Europeans and that it is their fault. I believe it is their fault because they knew that the black plague and sickness was going around all through Europe with widespread disease.But even though they didn't know the cause of it they should have known if they went to the “new world” that they would carry disease with them. Then because they brought disease over they killed 90% of the native people’s population because their bodies were not use to that kind of sickness. If the Europeans knew they were sick they should not have even come to the Americas because with them came sickness that the natives could not defend themselves against. This is why I believe the Europeans are responsible for 90% of the native’s deaths.

  29. I think that the cause of most of the native Americans deaths was because of the Europeans and that it is their fault. I believe it is their fault because they knew that the black plague and sickness was going around all through Europe with widespread disease.But even though they didn't know the cause of it they should have known if they went to the “new world” that they would carry disease with them. Then because they brought disease over they killed 90% of the native people’s population because their bodies were not use to that kind of sickness. If the Europeans knew they were sick they should not have even come to the Americas because with them came sickness that the natives could not defend themselves against. This is why I believe the Europeans are responsible for 90% of the native’s deaths.

  30. Before the Europeans came over to the New World, the Native Americans currently living there had a peaceful life. That all ended when the Europeans came over and rid their land with diseases killing 90% of the population. Even though this fact does make it seem like the Europeans intentionally killed the Native Americans, this isn't true. I believe that the Europeans should be blamed for the population destruction of the Native Americans. Even though they did bring over diseases like measles, small pox, and malaria, they did not have the technology to know that they were killing off the original population. They shouldn't be blamed for something they didn't know a thing about. There was no way they could stop the outbreak. If they did know the science behind the diseases then that is a different story and they should definitely be blamed then. But in this case they shouldn't because they didn't know the true cure(s) for these diseases that they were spreading.

  31. I think we should blame Europeans because they caused the problem. it wouldnt happen if they didnt bring the deasise. the native americans should of done something about it but they didnt. they might not of none that they were getting sick but they should of been smart enough.

  32. The Europeans should be blamed for the mass-extinction. If the Europeans never transported the disease to America, there might be larger amount of Native Americans around today. The most devastating disease the Europeans brought to America was smallpox, followed by measles and influenza. It is estimated that the Muskogee population declined about 180,000 people after the Europeans visited their villages. Even though the Europeans didn't know they were bringing the diseases, they could have left the Native Americans alone, preventing them from getting the diseases. I think the Europeans should have realized that the Native Americans started dying soon after they came to the continent. If the Europeans had better hygiene like the Native Americans, they could have lived with less disease.

  33. In my opinion the Europeans should be blamed because they are the ones that brought the disease over to the Americas. Smallpox was the misty deadly of the diseases and killed at least 90 percent of there native American population. If the Europeans had left the native Americans alone and never transferred the disease to them then they wouldn't have died. That's why I think the Europeans are to blame for these diseases killing so meant native Americans.

  34. I think that the Europeans shouldn't be blamed for spreading the disease. Yes, the only reason that the mass-extinction happened was because they came over the the Americas, but it's not like they were intentionally spreading the disease. All that the Europeans wanted to do was start a new life in the Americas and be able to believe in whatever religion they want. And even if they hadn't come over to the Americas, wouldn't someone else eventually? So if the Europeans hadn't decreased 90% of the native American population, it makes sense that at one point another group of people would have claimed the Americas for their own and caused a different or the same disease. And since the Europeans basically had no idea about the science of their disease, they couldn't stop the spread of the disease. So I believe that since the Europeans had no intention of spreading the disease, I believe they are not to blame.

  35. I believe that it is the Europeans responsibility for 90% of the deaths of Native Americans in the "Age of Exploration. I don't blame them directly however because they weren't aware that the diseases they brought like smallpox, were killing the Native Americans. However the Europeans should have taken precautions because they were entering a new land which they didn't know what was there so the least they could have done was keep their hygiene up a little since they did have poor cleanliness back then. So even though Europe had spread the diseases I don't blame them directly as much since they didn't know what they were doing, however their living style health wise could have improved.

  36. I think that the Europeans shouldn't be blamed for spreading the disease. The only reason that the mass-extinction happened was because they came over the the America. But its not like the Europeans meant to harm the natives. 90% of the natives died when the Europeans came, But then again they could of died to other causes. Water and food may have been contaminated. Overall Europe could of at least not said that they founded the New World.

  37. In my opinion i think that the Europeans are responsible for 90% of the native Americans death in the "age of exploration". However don't think they take all the fault for the deaths. At the time there was blight on the crops, that killed some of the native Americans death. Also they brought over daises to America, to kill a lot of the native Americans. But they Europeans could have used health precautions to stay healthy and not spread diases over to America. I think if the Europeans thought about germs they could have saved many of the Americans lives.

  38. I think the Europeans shouldn't be blamed because they didnt know they had carried a disease with them.

  39. i think that the europeans were to blame because they carried the disease to the native americans. It might not have been their fault at first, but they should have noticed the natives getting sick and dying and should have taken some measures. I under stand they had not scientific knowledge of what was going on but they should have some sense of urgency because of how many native americans had died after the europeans had come back and for no reason at all

  40. In my opinion, the Europeans should not be blamed for the deaths of nearly 90% of Native Americans. Yes, they may have been the ones to carry the diseases with them while discovering the new lands, but they did not have the knowledge of knowing about the diseases. All the Europeans wanted to do was discover new lands and provide for their home country. They did not intentionally bring over smallpox, malaria, or measles. If someone was sick the Europeans were unable to examine someone and automatically say, “You have smallpox,” because they didn’t know any symptoms to these diseases. None of the technology we use today such a CAT scans, MRIs and ultrasounds which we use to help us to determine whether or not someone is sick or pregnant, existed at that time. Unfortunately for the Native Americans, these inventions were not available to the Europeans. Even though the Europeans were close to wiping out almost the entire Native American population, they had no intentions of doing so, and I do not blame them for that happening.

  41. I do not believe that the Europeans are to blame for the majority of the deaths of Native Americans. While they are responsible for the deaths in wars, they can’t be blamed for the deaths caused by diseases. Placing blame in this scenario implies to me that the Europeans knew that they were the reason Native Americans were dying and did it on purpose. Since we know historically that the Europeans weren’t trying to kill off all of the natives, they shouldn’t be held accountable for a force that they couldn’t understand scientifically at the time, much less prevent. In addition to this, many Europeans were also affected by the different diseases. This proves to me that they suffered like the Native Americans did, and weren’t purposefully spreading diseases to other lands. They found out that diseases were spread from person to person long after the natives had been exposed.

  42. Personally, I believe that the Europeans should not be blamed for bringing the disease over to the Native Americans that wiped out more than 90% of their population. How were they supposed to know that would happen? Also, they were not as educated as we are today, so they had no idea that they were bringing diseases over. On the other hand, the disease would have never came to America if it weren't for the Europeans, so it was kind of their fault, but not really. Overall, I feel that the Europeans should not be blamed for bringing the disease to the Native Americans and wiping out more than 90% of their population

  43. I don't think the new westerners should be blamed because they had no vaccines or idea of what or how dangerous germs were. If the English people had purposely killed most of the population. This most likely couldn't have been prevented seeing that landing in modern day New England was a mistake. The Europeans didn't know what the climate was going to be like where they landed. If they had known it was going to get very cold and cause death and disease and that there was a population of people who were not exposed to their type of germs before they might have thought first but they didn't know better. Germs can be blamed but no body could have predicted this happening.

  44. No, Europeans should not be blamed for bringing a "plague" to the Native Americans. I think this because back then they had no medicine or vaccines for that specific disease. Also the Europeans didn't know there would be people where they were. They never planed to kill 90% of the population. I believe it was just a mistake that couldnt of been prevented with the technology they had back then. So I propose we blame the technology and the illness for the many deaths of the Native Americans.

  45. In my opinion, I think the Europeans should not be blamed for the 90% of natives killed. The Europeans during "The Age of Exploration" had not a single clue about the disease they carried. Back then with little to no scientific info and vaccinations, how were they suppose to know that they could carry such a tiny organism that could kill 90% of a population? Another reason they should not be blamed is because when they sailed to the Americas, they expected to be on the eastern side of Asia to obtain spices, not a whole new continent that has already been inhabited! The Europeans should be innocent, the Europeans (not as well educated about diseases and germs as we are today) had no clue this could possibly happen.

  46. In the "Age of Exploration", nearly 90% of the native population in the Americas died due to sickness brought over by the Europeans. Many people think that the Europeans should be blamed for the countless deaths of natives. However, I believe that the Europeans should not be blamed. During this time, the Europeans were not nearly as advanced in science and technology as we are today. They had not developed vaccines, or anything to "actually" prevent a sickness. The Europeans did not intend to bring disease over to the Americas, they were just trying to find new beginnings in a new place, just like people do today. Europeans were not provided with knowledgeable doctors like we have today. They were trying to find happiness, not destroy a population. Although I think the Europeans shouldn't be blamed for these diseases such as small pox, typhus, and measles, they could have attempted to prevent it. They did not have the hygiene we have today, but they could have washed and cleaned themselves more to keep good personal hygiene. Overall, I believe that the Europeans should not be blamed for a so called "crime" they never wished to commit.

  47. first of all I believe that the Europeans should be blamed of this tragic cause because the Americans that were settling at there area let the Europeans come In and they brought in a disuse that killed 90% of the incent Americans that were helping the Europeans. the Europeans that were sick should of checked themselves and been cured before they moved to a different are and spread the dieses and kill pretty much 3/4 of Americans. so in my opinion this tragic happing is the Europeans fault.

  48. Yes I think the Europeans should be blamed for the mass extinction because they barged into the Native Americans land. To which the Native Americans willingly welcomed the foriegners. Not knowing they were diseases being caried by the Europeans such as small pox and measles. Although before the Native Americans got the diseases before making contact with the Europeans I think that took away everything the Native Americans had that would have maybe given them a fighting chance. When the Europeans drove the Native Americans out of their land it made them weaker instead of looking bigger. And finally I think that this could have been prevented if the Europeans just respected the Native Americans and their land and then none of the diseases would have taken out most Native Americans

  49. During the "Age of Exploration", many Native Americans died due to the European settler's diseases carried along on their voyage. I believe that the Europeans should not be blamed for this "mass- extinction". Personally, I believe this because the European settlers wanted to move to a new land for freedom and to start a new community. Also, the Europeans had no idea that the Native Americans had set foot in America before the settlers arrived. Another reason I believe that the Europeans should not be blamed for this tragic cause is because medicine was not advanced like it is today, so a cold can turn into a life threatening illness. They did not have flu shots or vaccines, cough syrups, or x-ray machines. The closest things they had to those options were all-natural herbs. These westerners didn't try to cause harm to the Native Americans, knowledge of illnesses and diseases were just nowhere near where they are today. It is hard to prevent something you have no knowledge about.

  50. During the Age of Exploration, many Native Americans died due to European diseases. I believe that the Europeans are to blame for the "mass extinction" of Native Americans. I believe this could have not have been prevented. Similar to other situations in World History, the Natives were not immunized to the diseases that Europeans had. Also, there were not nearly the amount of prevention necessary to protect the Natives from European disease. There was no knowledge of the diseases by either side, so it was nearly impossible to protect the Natives from those diseases.

  51. During the Age of Exploration almost 90% of the native population died because of the foreign deseases brought by the European explorers. I don't think the Europeans are to blame at all for this, in fact there really is nobody to blame except mother nature. I mean people can only try their best to stop diseases and it was most likely not the Europeans intentions to invade this new land and infect all natives with their diseases. Also in the sense of just being human, getting sick at one point or another is practically inevitable so I don't think you can entirely blame the death of nearly 90% of the population on the Europeans

  52. I think that the Europeans should not be blamed for the deaths of the Native Americans. The Europeans didn't intentionally bring over diseases. The diseases the Europeans were immune to so how would they of known that the native Americans weren't. The Europeans did not travel over to the new world wanting to spread disease. Dont you think the europeans would have wanted the new world to have no disease at all. Also i don't think the Europeans would want to kill any of the native Americans because they help they make shelter for people and taught them where to find food and other thing that are necessary for living. Europeans should not be fully blamed for the death of 90% of the native population, but they were the carriers of the diseases. But it wasn't their fault that the native Americans were not prone to the diseases that they were. So that's why I strongly agree that the Europeans should not be blamed for the deaths that took place.

    ~Jacquelyn Scalli
